Study Hacks for Busy Girls

I have been asked so many times how I manage to maintain a 3.4 GPA in nursing school while I work 30+ hours/week, run an online business, blog, make videos, keep up with social media, workout and meal prep.  I have no idea why I have waited so long to share my tips...

How to Create a Budget

There is a reason why my blog is called Girlbudgetlife, I am all about budgeting all aspects of your life to create your ultimate happy place.  One thing that I am especially concerned with budgeting this days is my money. I have this goal that I would like to be 100%...

5 Habits for a Fit Body

With nursing school finals around the corner I don’t have the time to get too crazy with my nutrition or workouts. I often find myself in situations where life gets really busy and I don’t have the time to worry about when my next meal is going to be or...