How To Pass Summer Classes

The stress that comes with summer classes is related to the 16 weeks worth of material crammed into a 5-6 week session. That is a lot of information in a short period of time.  The class sessions are also longer which leaves less time to study especially if you work...

Steal My Study Strategy: Nursing School

I have been avoiding making a video on this topic because I want to make sure I am creating content that will apply to every busy college girl and not just the ones in nursing school. But the more I sat down and outlined what I actually did to study in nursing school,...

My Favorite Planner: Planner Pad

I don’t know if it’s because I am a virgo or type A but nothing gets me going like the perfect planner. Can you relate? For the first year of nursing school I was obsessed with the Planner Pad. It was perfect, it understood how my brain worked, how I liked...

How To Stay Motivated On A Healthy Lifestyle

I always like to talk theory and set the foundation before I give actionable steps. Cause girl,  if your mind isn’t in it,  it ain’t gonna work. No matter how hard you try. Last week’s post about healthy living laid that foundation down for me....