I used to hate study groups.  I joined way too many that sucked up a bunch of my precious time during my Bio major. That all changed when I learned exactly how to form awesome and impactful study groups. YES, there is a method!

Why is it that something that is supposed to benefit us and help us get better grades, always turns into a gab fest or an unproductive time and energy suck?

I reveal the reason and my method on how to form awesome study groups in this week’s video.

How to Form Awesome and Impactful Study Groups 

One thing you can do right now:

Grab a sheet of paper and a pen and script out who your ideal study group members would be.  Get super specific  about their study habits and goals.  Script out how your study session would actually play out.  Once this is done, try sending out an email to your class. Extending the invite to join your study session and make sure to include some of the qualities of who you are looking for.

Comment below:

Have you ever been a part of a successful study group?  If so, what did you do to make it work?