Shhh..don’t tell my boyfriend Elvis this, he’ll make me go to Best Buy with him all the time.

But I’m secretly a techy at heart.

It’s true. But I’m only a techy when it comes to certain things, productivity and organizational apps.

I will jump all over any apps or tools that will help me be more organized and productive, especially with college.

For most classes, I took notes with pen and paper and I still prefer a paper calendar but there is one app that I would recommend to EVERY college student.  Even if you are not the digital type, EVERNOTE will be your new BFF.

Today I am going to be sharing with you 5 ways you can use Evernote for college.


  1. Taking your class notes.  Create a notebook for each of your different classes to keep things organized
  2.  Storing all of your hand written notes so they are all in one place and you can study on the go with just your smart phone.
  3. Working on a group project?  Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to try and find a time that works for all of you to meet?  Why not share an Evernote notebook and everyone can update their part of the project in it.
  4. Create a semester master reference note where you can have links to all of your syllabi, course outlines and frequently used websites.
  5. In the beginning stages of your research project?  Why not use Evernote’s web clipped app to keep important quotes and articles you plan to use later during the paper writing process.

One Action You Can Take Now:

Sign up for an Evernote account.  It’s free!

Leave Me A Comment:

What do you think you will use Evernote for?