There was a time in our society where being in debt was embarrassing.  It was talked about like the girl in your school who slept around with half the class.  A person in debt walked around with a scarlett letter.

At some point having debt became normal.  Now 98% of the population is in some kind of debt.  Half of our population lives pay check to pay check and most think they can finance the world.

If you think that what we need is a better economy, you are wrong.  We don’t need to make more money.  When we make more, we spend more.  The root of the issue is our mentality towards debt.  We have to realize that the DEBTOR will ALWAYS be a slave to the LOANER.

I stopped wanting to be a slave, I want my freedom back.  So what do we do to begin that process?  We start by taking a look at our past decisions and our current habits.

Below I am going to give you 3 assignments that will get you thinking like someone who wants their financial freedom back.  Take out a pen and paper, its time to face where all your money went.

1. How much did you make last year?

2. How much of that money did you keep (Savings, Checkings, Cash in your wallet, etc.)

3. Where did your money go?  I bet you can’t remember right? The most wealthy people in the U.S know where every dollar is spent.  How do you think they stay wealthy?

(Lets start hunting for the money, start looking in your closets, pantry, fridge, your car, coffee shops, toys, cell phones, linen closet, bathroom cabinets, your apartment, your garage.  Where do you see all the physical proof of where your income went?)

Leave me a comment, what percentage of your money did you actually keep?