I have been avoiding making a video on this topic because I want to make sure I am creating content that will apply to every busy college girl and not just the ones in nursing school.
But the more I sat down and outlined what I actually did to study in nursing school, the more I realized…

My reading strategy can apply to any girl in college regardless of her major.

So if you’re curious and want the exact steps I took to study for all of my exams, make sure you watch the video below.
Oh and if you want a step by step check list on how I did all my reading in less than 2 hours while still grasping the key info I needed to pass my exams, Just click RIGHT HERE.

Steal My Nursing School Study Strategy


One Action You Can Take Now:

Print out your class syllabus and objectives and start planning out your readings.

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How often have you looked at or used the class objectives given to you usually on the first day of class?