2 “power naps” and 3 cups of coffee a day was pretty much the norm around my apartment.

Sleep and energy are the most common areas of lack among college students.

Ask any college student how they are doing and the 2 responses you’ll get are:

“Fine. I am just tired”   or   “Ok. I am just super stressed with school work”

We try to overcome these feelings by “napping”, which we all know is really just a way to procrastinate on that 5 page paper that’s due tomorrow.

Or we have 6 caramel lattes, which then makes us too jittery to sit down long enough to write the paper.

None of these methods are effective and what most college students need to understand is that living a healthier lifestyle will help with energy levels more than anything else they try.

One of the simplest ways I do the whole “healthy living” thing is by making my simple green smoothie for breakfast.

The Phytonutrients in your smoothie (the green stuff–spinach, kale) will help detoxify and alkalize your body, which will naturally boost your energy levels.  The fruits, juice etc that you add to your smoothie are natural sugars and carbs that will also give you an energy spike, with out throwing your insulin levels (sugar levels) out of wack.

So what you will get is a steady stream of energy with out the crash that tends to come with expresso shots.

Don’t have enough time to actually make a smoothie? Swipe my shortcut superfood shake HERE.

One Action You Can Take Now:

Make a grocery list of all the ingredients to make my Simple Green Smoothie and schedule a time in your planner to go grocery shopping this week.

Leave Me A Comment:

What other fun health and fitness tips or recipes would you like me to make busy college girl friendly?



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