If you want to see the kind of college success that every college girl hopes for, you have to learn this mindset shift that will change your whole college experience.

If you’re not familiar with my story, I was a first-generation college student. Spanish was my first language, I graduated from an inner city high school and I had no model of college success.

I remember sitting in my chemistry and biology class and the professor yapping away about how all the content we were going to learn should be a review from our A.P courses. As I was sitting in that classroom, I felt like the dumbest girl in the world. I had no idea what to expect, I wasn’t privileged like these kids. I didn’t go to prep school or some uppity private school. Who was I to be sitting here? I had no business being in this private college.

At least that is what the negative self-talking voice in my head was saying. Watch the video to find out how this limiting belief mindset can sabotage your college success and the mindset shift you have to make to change your current college experience.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you believe you can or you can’t. You’re right.

It all comes down to changing your perception. If you can change your perception, you can change your whole life. Once you can make the decision to take control of your life. To do everything that is in your power to make your goals happen, you will be unstoppable.