Do you remember in 6th grade when you were learning how to write papers for the first time?  Do you remember when your teacher would have you draw a writer’s web with all your ideas?

They were so fun to me. Mainly because it made english class feel more like art class and I liked art class.

At some point, I think maybe 7th-8th grade we moved on to the boring old, black and white outline format. Frankly,  that never worked as well for me.

Outlines force you to absorb and organize information at the same time. My brain just doesn’t work that way.   I like to absorb, brain dump and THEN make connections that will help make sense of it all.

That’s why I LOVE mind maps for studying.

None of the traditional methods of note taking are necessarily right or wrong but mind mapping helps you structure information in a way that allows you to literally map out your thoughts and visually see and draw the connections between the material you are covering.

This is much like how our brains work, making it easier for us to recall or remember information we will need later.

One Action You Can Take Now:

Grab yourself some pretty pens and paper and practice mind mapping.  Not sure what you should mind map?  How about a mind map on why Hock is working with Command.

Leave Me Comment:

What method of note taking do you normally use? Will you now be using mind maps for studying?


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