Thank you so much for joining me every week for these past 5 weeks as I shared with you the basics of money management to help you start reaching your financial goals,  so you can begin making those self-love goals your PRIORITY.

I cannot believe that it is already the final week and of course I shared the best tip for last.  This tip will show you how to tackle your debts in a very specific order to keep you motivated and pay off your debts even faster.

This tip I adopted from Dave Ramsey and its called the Debt Snow Ball.  The Debt Snow Ball teaches you to tackle your debts by paying off the lowest amount first, while you continue to pay off the minimum balance on all your other debts.

Once the lowest debt is paid, you then use the money you would have been paying towards that debt and apply it to your next lowest debt.  As you can probably see the more debts you pay off the bigger the amount gets to put towards the next debt, hence the “snow ball” reference.

If you want your free printable for Debt Snowballing make sure you sign up for the newsletter using the signup form below this post. 

So are you ready for the big exciting announcement?

Since applying the principles from Dani Johnson and Dave Ramsey,  Elvis has paid off 2 of his credit cards and I have paid off ALL of mine!!!!    Now all I have left are my student loans which I plan to tackle of the next 2 years.

I can’t tell you how liberating this feels.  We still have a long way to go but I will continue to focus on all the small things I can do everyday that will add up over time and allow me to be financially free.

Please stay tuned with me over the next few weeks because I have AMAZING things happening for that will directly affect you! 

I can’t believe where I have been guided to take my career. I am so excited and can’t wait to poor my heart into this next project!

Before you go, tell me what was your biggest take away from the 5 Day Total Money Makeover Series?