This blog post morphed into existence after I did a Periscope broadcast all about how to use a highlighter. 

You’d think at this point in the game we’d all be pretty good on the topic of highlighters. But apparently we’re not.  We totally have the act of highlighting down, just not the when to highlight.

So the rule of thumb has been, “When in doubt, highlight the whole damn page.”

I’m totally guilty of it too.

The issue with follow this rule is that it kind of defeats the whole purpose of a highlighter, which is to make it easier for you to find the “important stuff” you need to pass your exams.

How to Use a Highlighter


How to use a highlighter rules of thumb:

  1. Put down the freaking highlighter until you master rule #2
  2. Figure out the rules, logic and why behind the information you are about to highlight.  What are you supposed to be learning in this class? (Hint: Most of the time the beginning of the chapter will tell you what you should have learned at the end of the chapter)
  3. Only highlight the information that is related to the information you’re supposed to be learning.


Remember when in doubt, your best bet is to directly ask your professor what they consider to be the main points and ideas to grasp to see success on their exams.