I’ve written two other blog posts on note taking methods, but never one on the outline method of note taking.  This is the most common way students are used to organizing information given to them in class. Specifically, I’m going to show you how to create outlines from your professor’s PowerPoints.

If you’re a list person, this is probably the most natural way for you to take your notes – but typing up all the information can take a lot of time, time that you honestly don’t have in college.  So why not let your professor do most of the work for you?

How To Create Outlines From Your Professor’s PowerPoints

One Thing You Can Do Right Now:

Jump on your computer, open up one of your professor’s PowerPoints and start playing around with creating your own outlines!

Comment Below:

Do you prefer to take your notes and study straight off the PowerPoints or do you find yourself retyping them in a way that makes more sense to you?