Do you find that as soon as the semester starts, keeping your apartment clean becomes nearly impossible?

Well,  in this week’s Busy Girl’s Guide to life I will not only teach you how to clean you apartment in just 10 minutes a day,  I’ll show you how to keep it that way.

So we are going to assume that you gave your apartment a good cleaning before the semester started. If not that’s OK this routine will do a good enough job for the time being.

The first thing you will need to do is break down your apartment  into 4 sections:

Section 1: Kitchen
Section 2: Living room/dinning room
Section 3: Bathroom
Section 4: Bedroom (s)

Next, allocate one day of the week to each of those sections: 

Mon: kitchen
Tues: living room
Wed: bathroom
Thur: bedroom
Fri: vacuuming/sweeping
Sat: Misc cleaning out fridge, swiffering your floors/10 minute tidy

Once you have your sections all squared away, your cleaning strategy will be as follows:


You are going to spend just 10 minutes in that section on the set day. Set your time for 5 minutes at a time. 


For your living room, bedroom and dining area you will use the following plan: 

-Spend 5 minutes to pick things up or put them back in their proper place.
-Spend the last 5 minutes spot cleaning with liquid cleaning spray/dusting

For your Kitchen and bathroom you will follow this plan:

Bathroom: Spend first 5 minutes swishing the toilet, wipe down the sink,  tub and mirrors and the last 5  minutes sweeping/spot cleaning the floors
-Kitchen: Spend the first 5 minutes cleaning countertops and microwave  and the last 5 minutes sweeping the floor and spot cleaning any stains.

How do you then keep your apartment clean every week? Just use this as your weekly cleaning schedule and use school breaks for more in depth cleaning.

There will be one Busy Girls Guide to Life tip every month so if you don’t want to miss them make sure you get on my VIP LIST.

Leave Me A Comment: 

How will you be breaking up your sections?