How to Build Your Self Esteem as a College Woman


Have you ever wondered how to build your self-esteem as a college woman? I promise you, it doesn’t lie in becoming a straight A student, losing weight or chasing down perfectionism. The answer in building true, genuine, lasting and transformational self-esteem lies in building shame resilience. And that? All starts with choosing a growth mindset. If you’re ready to start re-programming the way you think about yourself,  tune into Episode 4 of my Finding Brilliance in the B’s series below:


How to Build Your Self Esteem as a College Woman



What we talk about in this episode of SheRocks@College LIVE:


  • The process of building shame resilience
  • Identifying the thought patterns that trigger your anxiety/perfectionism and how it harms you
  • Feeling and recognizing shame in your body
  • Speaking and your shame for safe support
  • Choosing a growth mindset
  • Releasing limiting beliefs and choosing new beliefs for yourself


How to Build Your Self Esteem as a College Woman


Links mentioned in the show:


Finding Brilliance in the B’s Episode 1: Not Smart Enough for College

Finding Brilliance in the B’s Episode 2: Life has no place in the lecture halls (and other lies)

Finding Brilliance in the B’s Episode 3: Getting good grades as a college student and the fear of being average

How to Overcome Perfectionism (and the anxiety it causes)

I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t): Making the Journey from “What Will People Think?” to “I Am Enough” by Brene Brown 

Brene Brown’s TED Talk: Listening to Shame 

Brene Brown’s Website