I spent the time before I started nursing school reading every “how to study” and get “better grades” book out there.

My secret to my success in nursing school was developing these 3 systems from all the books I read.

If you put these 3 must have systems in place you will be sure to get better grades in college.

System #1 Sanity Saving System.  College isn’t like high school. Chances are, you’re going to have more than school going on, your classes will be more demanding and the assignments will come fast and furious.  If you don’t have a system in place to keep track of it all, you will go a little bit insane.  This is probably the easiest system to get started with. All you need is a planner a pen and your course syllabi.

System #2 Grade Saving System.  If you’re planning on succeeding in college then you better have this system in place.  This was my biggest mistake during my first degree. I was too embarrassed, ashamed and frankly in shock to ever ask for help. I never took the time to evaluate where I was going wrong. Look, bad grades will happen and it’s important to turn them around as early as possible.  Review every bad grade and read every red comment made by your professor. Get clear on why you did poorly.  What specifically are you having trouble with.  Then meet with an advisor or a tutor and together come up with a game plan to improve going forward.

System #3 Fun Having System. I know you don’t plan on studying for 12 hours a day and never making any friends or getting out to build some life and social experiences.  Or at least I hope that isn’t your plan for the next 2-4 years.  Although grades matter to en extent,  when you get out into the “real world” no one is going to ask you what grade you got in your Psych 101 class.  They’re going to care about what life experience you have and you can’t get any experience if all you do is try to cram information into your brain. Trust me, no one has asked me once what grade I received in Med Surge I, not even in my interviews. So yes, study but also create some time in your routine to make friends, cultivate a hobby and explore who you want to be in this world.  Unwinding regularly does wonders for the mind and soul. Plus it will keep you from ending up in a mental ward during finals and midterms.

For more tips on how to rock at college sign up to get my free Get Awesome Grades Cram Sheets below.

One Thing You Can Do Right Now:

Pick the one system you will implement during the Fall Semester.

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