If you watch my daily vlogs you already know Elvis (my boyfriend) and I are starting another 12 weeks of no cheats.  We did this about 1 month ago, we focused 100% on our diet to help reach our fitness goals.


That first round was very successful, we both dropped a lot of body fat and learned a lot about self-discipline.   Recently we started having treat meals once a week and sometimes it spreads into 2x/wk.  We noticed we don’t really like how we feel after those treat meals and to kick our butt back into gear we decided to do another round of 12 weeks.

Though the focus is on our diet, training is also very important. Thus, I mentioned in my vlog that I would share with you the exercise schedule I have designed for myself to coincide with my meal plan.  So here it is (See Below).

I have broken my training into a 6 day split with one rest day. If you don’t know what the exercises listed below are or what a superset is I recommend reading this post.

Monday (Legs)4 Sets of each small circuit

1. Superset:

-Sumo Squats: 25 Reps

-Jump Squats: 12 reps

2. Giant Set:

-Curtsey Lunges: 30 reps

– Weighted Hip Raises: 25 reps

-Glute Kick Backs: 20 reps

3. Superset:

-Dumbell Deadlifts: 20 reps

-Walking Lunges: 30 reps

Tuesdays (Chest + 20 min HIIT Cardio) 3 sets of each small circuit

1. Superset:

-Dumbell Chest Press: 15 reps

– Push ups: 15 reps

2. Giant set:

-Incline Dumbell Chest Press: 15 reps

-Moving Push ups: 10 reps

-Dumbell Chest Fly: 15 reps

Wednesday (Back)4 sets of each small circuit

1. Superset:

-Inverted Row: 15 reps

-Dumbbell Row: 15 reps

2. Superset:

-Dumbell Rear Lateral Raise: 12 reps

-Standing Single Arm Row: 12 reps

3. Superset:

-Lat Pull Down: 15 reps

-Back Extension: 15 reps

Thursday (Biceps/Triceps + 20 min HIIT Cardio)4 rounds of the circuit

1. Circuit:

-Dumbell Bicep Curl: 15 reps

-Seated Tricep Extension: 20 reps

-Hammer Curl to Press: 15 reps

-Overhead Tricep Extension: 15 reps

-Cable Curl: Failure

-Tricep Kickback: Failure

Friday (Shoulders) 4 rounds of the circuit

1. Circuit:

-Shoulder Raise: 10 reps

-Front Raise: 10 reps

-Lateral Raise: 10 reps

-Dumbell Overhead Shrug: 10 reps

Saturday (Full Body + 20 mins HIIT Cardio)4 rounds of the circuit

1. Circuit:

-Dumbell  Squats w Should Press: 20 reps

-Burpees: 20 reps

-Push ups: 20 reps

-Curtsey Lunge w bicep curl: 20 reps

-Straight leg dead lift w DB Row: 20 reps

-Weighted Glute Bridge w Skull Crushers: 20 reps

How many of you plan on joining me in this 12 week challenge?